Allergy Food Disclaimer
McMaster University Hospitality Services makes every attempt to identify ingredients that may cause allergic reactions for those with food allergies and instruct our food production staff on the severity of food allergies. We make every effort to prevent cross-contamination and communicate information about allergens to customers. We review ingredient information and priority allergens are identified based on ingredients only. While we work hard to prevent cross-contamination, there is always a risk in a large food service facility. Please be advised that manufacturers of the commercial foods we use may potentially change the formulation or substitute at any time, without notice. Customers concerned with food allergies need to be aware of this risk and make their concerns known to our staff.
Information Box Group

Trained Staff
Our staff and managers receive allergy awareness training upon hire and once every year following to understand the seriousness of allergies, how to safely accommodate students and what to do in the event of an allergic reaction.

Allergen Friendly Station Learn More About Our SMPL Station
Get a balanced meal daily, made without many of Canada’s priority allergens including: eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, milk, wheat, shellfish, sesame, mustard, and gluten

Reach Out Contact Our Registered Dietitian
Reach out to our Registered Dietitian to book an appointment and ask how you can dine safely with allergies on campus.
What Students Can Do
Contact us and we will help you find safe, delicious and nutritious menu choices and introduce you to our chefs and managers.
Always tell your server about your allergy before ordering. If you have any questions about ingredients or preparation, ask to speak with a chef or manager before placing your order.
Carry your EpiPen with you at all times. It is also recommended to carry a second EpiPen in case a second dose of epinephrine is needed in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.
The McMaster Food Allergy Club is a student-run organization, officially affiliated with Food Allergy Canada, that aims to connect and advocate for food allergic students. Some of the organization’s other initiatives involve fundraising for Food Allergy Canada and hosting research nights with speakers from the McMaster Immunology Research Centre. Any McMaster student is welcome to join as a general member and apply for executive positions. Existing members are glad to provide tips to allergic students to help them navigate their dietary restrictions on campus.
To contact the club, please email or visit their MSU club listing.